Coach from Carlisle to Manchester Central
Make a coach booking from Carlisle to Manchester Central onboard a National Express coach with seat prices from just £. Get a price for a coach from Carlisle to Manchester Central and see if you can save on your coach fare with one of the National Express discounts schemes.
If you're aged over 60 you can get 1/3 discount on standard coach travel from Carlisle to Manchester Central, and 16 to 26 year olds can also save 1/3 on standard fares with the Your Persons Coachcard. In a group of 4 or more? Get 25% off standard fares with National Express.
Travel Disruption on the Carlisle to Manchester Central route
Get round any potential rail disruption between Carlisle and Manchester Central and take the coach instead. There might be traffic delays on the coach to Manchester Central but when you book a coach, the driver gets the hassle. Benefits of traveling by coach (available on most routes)
- Air conditioning
- WiFi (selected routes)
- Toilets
- Leather Seats
- Power Sockets for charging
- Leather Chairs
Carlisle & Manchester Central coach pick up / drop off point
Carlisle (Cumbria) - Carlisle, bus station, Lonsdale Street, Cumbria
Manchester Central (Greater Manchester) - MANCHESTER CENTRAL, coach station, Chorlton Street, Greater Manchester
Things to do in Carlisle
Once you've made it to Manchester Central you'll need something to do or maybe even somewhere to stay. If you'd like to add your site just fill in your details below and add a link back to National Coach Travel
* We are an affiliate of National Express and may be slightly behind in published ticket prices. National Express terms and conditions apply. Special offer fares are only available on selected routes and times, and are subject to availability. Book now with National Express coaches